Esoteric Acupuncture
Esoteric Acupuncture is a form of healing that uses acupuncture needles placed at particular points on the body to form specific Sacred Geometric grids of energy. These energy grids encode the body with the elements necessary for expanded aspects of consciousness and deeper emotional and spiritual integration.
This process is not unlike placing a key in a lock to a door that leads to your own mental, emotional, and physical freedom. These treatments guide you, on a quantum level through the integration and release of karmic patterning in your body and in your psyche. In these sessions, clients often report entering the theta brainwave state, a high vibrational trance state, and being shown meaningful imagery or memories, given important messages from their higher self, or mentally guided through personal healing processes.
These treatments are exceptional for those who are looking to profoundly deepen and broaden the emotional and spiritual healing work they are already doing through traditional acupuncture, meditation, energy healing such as Qi Gong or Reiki, breathwork, talk therapy, yoga, shamanic healing, shadow work, etc..
Esoteric Acupuncture has been known to assist with illness and pain in the physical body, as our mental and emotional states are inextricably interwoven with our physiology.
Esoteric Acupuncture was developed by Mikio Sankey, L.Ac, PhD, through synthesizing his academic knowledge and experiential wisdom of the Chinese meridian system, the Chakra system, Kabbalistic mysticism, and the spiritual metaphysics of Sacred Geometry.